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Ready-made companies for sale

Selling foreign companies with open accounts

The desire to conquer foreign markets or enter into international collaborations requires careful preparation from business owners. However, in conditions of high competition, scaling a enterprise requires making decisions quickly for registration in a particular jurisdiction.

Acquiring a ready-made establishment with a bank account is the best option for entrepreneurs aiming to expand their business in the shortest possible time.

Catalog of foreign companies with open bank accounts

What advantages does a business gain by acquiring ready-made companies?

For business, success is determined not only by the number of branches but also by the quality of their work, which directly affects profitability. Purchasing a ready-made company abroad that meets all your requirements provides:

  • Increased revenue. You won’t miss the chance to make a profitable deal since your new bank accounts will be active immediately, and the company will be ready to operate.
  • Time savings. Purchasing an existing business allows you to quickly start your operations and avoid spending valuable time on registering and setting up a new entity from scratch.
  • Expansion of possibilities. Having a foreign establishment in your possession grants you access to new channels of investment and collaboration.
  • Protecting financial assets. Selling offshore companies with bank accounts is a service that will allow you to immediately put existing revenue into circulation and maintain cashless fund transactions.

With IFB you get:

  • Quick and easy purchasing process. We have well-established processes for selecting and purchasing foreign companies with open accounts. Thanks to the high expertise of our staff in providing consulting services, you won’t have to wait long for the results.
  • Expert Consultations. Our lawyers and managers with experience in the banking industry will assist you in choosing the best option for acquisition and provide a thorough examination of foreign company’s open accounts.
  • Reliable fintech services. We will assist you in implementing your own automated software to streamline the operations of the newly acquired enterprise and enhance your competitiveness in the foreign market.

What is included in the package of services “Sale of ready-made companies abroad”?

  • Preparation and submission of necessary legal documents
  • Notary services
  • Translation services
  • Legal support
  • Bank account opening assistance
  • Consulting services

The price for ready-made companies with bank accounts is formed individually, based on your business needs, goals, jurisdiction, and desired country.

How can you acquire a ready-made company with a bank account?

Our cooperation with you will include the following stages:
We familiarize ourselves with your business sector, conduct a briefing to discuss your goals and preferences. Based on this, our manager will provide you with several suitable options to choose from.
Together with you, we choose the option that meets all the requirements of your business. We conclude a cooperation contract, after which our lawyers start working.
Contract signing
We assist you in preparing the purchase and sale agreement in compliance with all the laws and requirements of the country where the establishment is being acquired. Additionally, we provide legal support at every stage of the transaction.
After payment for our services, we initiate the purchasing procedure. Upon completion of the transaction, we will provide you with all the necessary information and a document package.

Do you need a ready-made company with a corporate bank account? Contact our manager to receive a consultation and a personalized cost estimate for the purchase!